Sunday, August 10, 2008


Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Elizabeth Ward's letter to the editor that was published on August 5th.

Mandatory spay/neuter is an ineffective solution to animal control problems because it fails to address the heart of the issue—irresponsible ownership. If the proposed ordinance were to pass, it would only serve to inflict an undue financial hardship upon responsible breeders, while doing absolutely nothing to curb the problem of dangerous dogs in the city.

In her letter, Mrs. Ward calls dog breeders "greedy" and "selfish." This is erroneous, and indicative of an overall lack of knowledge on Mrs. Ward's part as to exactly what responsible animal husbandry entails. Responsible dog breeders seldom, if ever, break even on a litter of puppies, let alone profit. OFA hip X-rays, eye certifications, and thyroid exams on breeding stock are very costly. To ask a responsible dog breeder (who indeed are the only type of breeders that will comply with the proposed ordinance) to pay an additional $500 per year on top of the massive vet bills that they already incur for said health testing, is nothing short of a slap in the face to responsible breeders everywhere. There is nothing "selfish" about dedicating one's life to preserving and improving purebred dogs. Further, shelter dogs are not the right choice for every family.

Suppose our society had a problem with too many human children being surrendered to orphanages- I hardly think that Mrs. Ward would suggest mandatory human castration as a solution, despite the fact that those two arguments are logically identical.

Mrs. Ward, as well as the City Council, needs to realize what the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association has already told them- that legislators are not qualified to make veterinary decisions on any scale, let alone such a large one. Such decisions are best made by the pet's owner and veterinarian. A mandatory spay/neuter ordinance is not only a violation of property rights, but it is a frightening governmental intrusion into the lives of it's citizens.


Anthony P. Tyler

Hachikos Legacy Akita Kennels

1 comment:

Valley G said...

Congrats on your week of pwning!